Tag: david mckeown

  • First Heat Alert for Toronto Today!

    The first heat alert has been declared for Toronto today and will be in effect until further notice. During a Healt Alert, there is a greater risk of suffering from heat-related illness for a number of groups, including: isolated adults and seniors people with chronic and pre-existing illnesses, infants and young children, people on certain…

  • Type 2 Diabetes on the Rise in Toronto: Risk Factors & Prevention

    Toronto Public Health (TPH) has alerted us to the increasing incidence of type 2 diabetes among Toronto residents, especially in priority populations who have a higher risk of illness.

  • Board of Health Voted in Favour for Fluoridation of Toronto Drinking Water Continues

    At a meeting on April 4, the Toronto Board of Health voted in favour of the continued fluoridation of Toronto drinking water. The reasons for keeping fluoride in Toronto drinking water are: “Fluoridation of water is the most cost-effective and equitable way to prevent dental decay for all residents.” “Tooth decay is the single most…