Here is a very important message to Canadians from the Dignity for All campaign team:
“On Monday Dec. 5th from 5:30 – 7p.m., the Dignity for All campaign for a poverty-free Canada is hosting “What’s Next: How Do We Address Poverty in Canada?” in Ottawa.
With an aim to encourage national conversation on poverty issues, the event will feature a panel discussion and Q&A with MPs, a person with lived experience of poverty, and a representative from the Dignity for All campaign.
The discussion will be moderated by CBC’s Laurie Fagan.
You can help make this event a success by encouraging your MP to attend!
Please take a moment to either call your MP’s constituency office or simply copy and paste the invite (attached below in both French and English) into an email with a note explaining why you think poverty demands their attention!
And for those of you who live in the Ottawa area, we hope you’ll join us! The event is being held at the Booth Building (room 2-2), 165 Sparks Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Due to Parliament Hill security requirements, please RSVP by next Tuesday, November 29, to Kizzy Paris at Canada Without Poverty:, or 613-789-0096.
Thanks for your continued support!
-the Dignity for All campaign team“
Your MP’s invite is as follows:
Dignity for All: the campaign for a poverty-free Canada invites you to join a national conversation:
What’s next: How Do We Address Poverty in Canada?
Amidst growing public concern about inequality, how can we work together to address this issue for those who feel its effects most, the poorest 10% of Canadians? The evidence and research is in. What sort of meaningful action is needed now at the federal level?
On Monday, December 5th from 5:30-7 p.m., the Dignity for All campaign for a poverty-free Canada is hosting “What’s next: How Do We Address Poverty in Canada?” at the Booth Building, Room 2-2, 165 Sparks Street. Please join us for a lively and engaging conversation on where we go from here on the poverty front in light of the recent federal government reports on the issue: the Senate’s In from the Margins report (2009), the House Committee’s Federal Poverty Reduction Plan (2010), and the National Council of Welfare’s The Dollars and Sense of Solving Poverty (2011). Featuring a panel of MPs (Jean Crowder (NDP), Rodger Cuzner (Lib), Jean-François Fortin (Bloc) (TBC), Conservative MP TBC), a person with lived experience of poverty, and a representative from Dignity for All, there will be opportunities to hear perspectives, share ideas, and ask questions about what next steps are needed to address poverty in Canada. The discussion will be moderated by CBC’s Laurie Fagan.
Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Please RSVP by November 29, 2011 to Kizzy Paris at Canada Without Poverty:, or 613-789-0096. We hope you are able to attend!
Your MP’s invite in French is as follows:
Dignité pour touTEs: la campagne pour un Canada sans pauvreté vous invite à une conversation pancanadienne:
Et la suite? Comment combattre la pauvreté au Canada
Alors que le public s’inquiète de plus en plus des inégalités sociales, comment travailler ensemble à régler cette question pour ceux qui en souffrent le plus, les 10% les plus pauvres du Canada? Les preuves et la recherche sont là. Que faut-il faire maintenant au niveau fédéral?
Le lundi 5 décembre de 17h30 à 19h00, la campagne Dignité pour touTEs pour un Canada sans pauvreté organise une rencontre sur le thème : « Et la suite? Comment combattre la pauvreté au Canada » à l’ édifice Booth, 165, rue Sparks, pièce 2-2.
Venez participer à une conversation enrichissante et animée sur nos options pour combattre la pauvreté, suite aux récents rapports du gouvernement fédéral sur la question : le rapport du Sénat (2009) Pauvreté, logement, itinérance, celui, du Comité de la Chambre (2010) Plan fédéral de réduction de la pauvreté, et celui du Conseil national du bien-être social (2011) Le sens des sous pour résoudre la pauvreté. Une table ronde réunira un député de chacun des partis (Jean Crowder (NPD), Rodger Cuzner (Libéral), Jean-François Fortin (Bloc Québécois) (AEC), député Conservateur AEC), une personne ayant vécu la pauvreté et un représentant de Dignité pour touTEs. Vous pourrez connaître divers points de vue, échanger des idées et poser les questions pertinentes quant aux prochaines étapes pour combattre la pauvreté au Canada. La discussion sera animée par Laurie Fagan de CBC.
Un service de traduction simultanée sera disponible sur place.
SVP répondre le 29 novembre au plus tard à Kizzy Paris de Canada sans pauvreté :, ou 613-789-0096. Nous espérons vous y voir.
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