Ontario’s Youth Jobs Strategy: Four Programs Help Canadians Aged 15-29 Get Training & Experience

This video presents “Young Entrepreneurs can get up to $3,000 with Summer Company.”

You too, can turn your idea into a business with SUMMER COMPANY and you could get up to $3,000 to start it! If you are between the age of 15-29, APPLY TODAY.

Our most recent video featuring some participants from Summer Company program discussing how the program works, how they found success and what they have taken away from the experience.

The Youth Jobs Strategy involves four programs that are focused on helping youth aged 15-29 get the support they need to gain valuable workplace training and experience.

  1. The Youth Employment Fund
    • If you are unemployed, not in school full-time and between 15 and 29, Ontario will do more to help you connect with employers and get a job placement of four to six months.
    • Ontario will provide incentives to employers to help cover the cost of wages and training for new hires and help youth cover costs like transportation or tools required for the job.
    • Youth and employers can apply online now to Employment Ontario’s Employment Service.
  2. The Youth Entrepreneurship Fund

    • Through a program called Summer Company, you can get two things:
      • start-up money to kick-off a new summer business,
      • advice and mentorship from local business leaders to help get the business up and running.
    • Maximum grant: $3,000.
    • Successful Summer Company applicants get:
      • up to $1,500 up front to help with start-up costs, and
      • up to $1,500 when you successfully complete the program requirements.
      • Start date: usually June or July.
      • End date: Labour Day (but you can choose to keep running your summer business while in school).
    • Check eligibility and apply now.
  3. Youth Skills Connections
    • helping young people gain valuable career skills, experience and advice,
    • sparking new interest in entrepreneurship, and
    • partnering with employers, educators, industry and not-for-profits to support young workers.
  4. The Youth Innovation Fund
    • In partnership with industry, Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) co-invests to commercialize innovation originating in the province’s publicly funded colleges, universities and research hospitals.
    • They also support and invest in early-stage projects, where the probability of commercial success and potential total return on innovation are substantial.
    • Another expanding focus for OCE is the development of the next generation of innovators through their entrepreneurship fellowships and programs for students and youth across Ontario.
      • A trusted partner of government in program delivery, they are committed to advancing a whole-of-government approach as a means of streamlining funding application processes for companies and entrepreneurs.
    • Prior to the creation of OCE, there was limited connection between universities, colleges, research hospitals and industry.
      • Consensus was that these academic and research institutions were producing quality research that was not being utilized to its full potential by industry.
      • OCE was designed to bridge that gap and create productive working partnerships between university and college research departments, research hospitals and Ontario industry.
    • Funded by the Government of Ontario, OCE fosters the training and development of the next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs and is a key partner with Ontario’s industry, universities, colleges, research hospitals, investors and governments.
    • OCE is a member of the Ontario Network of Entrepreneurs (ONE) and a key partner in delivering Ontario’s Innovation Agenda.

This video presents “The OCE Story.”

  • An introduction to Ontario Centres of Excellence.

Ontario, Canada


Twenty Thousand Job Opportunities and Counting

Youth Jobs Strategy Helping Young People Gain Valuable Training and Experience

July 18, 2014 10:00 a.m.
Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities

Ontario’s Youth Jobs Strategy has helped more than 20,000 young people find jobs, get training and gain valuable work experience.

The strategy features four programs focused on helping youth aged 15-29 get the support they need to gain valuable workplace training and experience:

  • The Youth Employment Fund– provides up to $7,800 to support each eligible worker including up to $6,800 to help cover wage and training costs, and up to $1,000 to help pay for job-related costs like tools and transportation to work. Seventeen thousand young people have either finished or are currently completing a four- to six- month job placement.
  • The Youth Entrepreneurship Fund– helps young people create their own jobs through the launch of their businesses, including 940 summer businesses already created through Summer Company.
  • Youth Skills Connections– promotes partnerships among business, labour, educators, not-for-profits and youth to identify and solve skills development issues, which will provide over 3,200 young people with training and more than 2,400 youth with job placements.
  • The Youth Innovation Fund – provides internship opportunities for graduate and post-graduate students, and funds hubs serving 14 Ontario universities and colleges that provide space, service, advice and support for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Together, these programs are on track to meet the province’s goal of connecting 30,000 young people with job opportunities.

Helping young people develop their talent and skills is part of the government’s economic plan that is creating jobs for today and tomorrow. The comprehensive plan and its six priorities focus on Ontario’s greatest strengths — its people and strategic partnerships.

Quick Facts

  • Ontario is investing $295 million over two years in the Youth Jobs Strategy.
  • Ninety-five per cent of the 4,800 participants who have completed their Youth Employment Fund job placements have either been retained or have gone on to further employment elsewhere.
  • Starter Company, another program under the Youth Entrepreneurship Fund, helps youth launch businesses in their communities.
  • Ontario’s Summer Jobs programs will help over 100,000 students find employment and start businesses this summer through an investment of $78 million.


“Government should be a force for good in people’s lives, and one of the most important investments we can make is to ensure that Ontario’s young people have the opportunity to build the valuable skills they need to succeed. I’m excited that over 20,000 youth from across Ontario have already benefited from the Youth Jobs Strategy and are laying the groundwork for successful careers.”

Reza Moridi
Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities, and Minister of Research and Innovation

“Our Youth Jobs Strategy is ensuring that young people of all abilities and backgrounds are able to put their talents and energy to work building Ontario’s economy. We’re proud to be working with our partners in the community, industry and academia across the province to create youth jobs for today and tomorrow.”

Brad Duguid
Minister of Economic Development, Employment and Infrastructure

Learn More

Public inquiries

416-325-2929 or
TTY: 1-800-268-7095

Zak Paget
Minister’s Office, MTCU

Terry Chemij
Minister’s Office, MRI

Gabe de Roche
Minister’s Office, MEDEI


Vingt mille possibilités d’emploi et plus

La Stratégie d’emploi pour les jeunes aide les jeunes à acquérir une formation et une expérience précieuses

18 juillet 2014 10h00
ministère de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités

La Stratégie ontarienne d’emploi pour les jeunes a aidé plus de 20 000 jeunes à trouver des emplois, à suivre une formation et à acquérir une précieuse expérience de travail.

La stratégie englobe quatre programmes visant à aider les jeunes de 15 à 29 ans à obtenir le soutien nécessaire pour acquérir une formation et une expérience en milieu de travail fort utiles :

  • Le Fonds ontarien d’aide à l’emploi pour les jeunes alloue jusqu’à 7 800 $ pour aider chaque personne admissible, y compris 6 800 $ pour contribuer aux coûts salariaux et de formation, et jusqu’à 1 000 $ pour les coûts liés à l’emploi, comme les outils et le transport jusqu’au lieu de travail. Dix sept mille jeunes ont terminé ou sont en train de faire un stage de quatre à six mois.
  • Le Fonds ontarien d’aide aux jeunes entrepreneurs aide des jeunes à créer leurs propres emplois en lançant leurs entreprises. Déjà, 940 entreprises d’été ont été lancées grâce au programme Entreprise d’été.
  • Le Fonds de formation ciblée pour les jeunes encourage les partenariats entre les entreprises, les syndicats, les éducateurs, les organismes sans but lucratif et les jeunes pour cerner et résoudre les problèmes de développement des compétences. Ces partenariats fourniront de la formation à plus de 3 200 jeunes, et des placements à plus de 2 400.
  • Le Fonds ontarien d’innovation pour les jeunes offre des possibilités de stage à des étudiants des cycles supérieurs et finance des centres desservant 14 universités et collèges de l’Ontario qui fournissent des locaux, des services, des conseils et du soutien aux entrepreneurs en herbe.

Ensemble, ces programmes sont sur la bonne voie pour réaliser l’objectif de la province de mettre à la portée de 30 000 jeunes des possibilités d’emploi.

Aider les jeunes à développer leurs talents et leurs compétences fait partie du plan économique du gouvernement qui permet de créer les emplois d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Ce plan global et les six priorités qui en découlent mettent l’accent sur les plus grandes forces de l’Ontario : sa population et ses partenariats stratégiques.

Faits en bref

  • L’Ontario investit 295 millions de dollars sur deux ans dans la Stratégie d’emploi pour les jeunes.
  • Quatre-vingt-quinze pour cent des 4 800 bénéficiaires placés grâce au Fonds ontarien d’aide à l’emploi pour les jeunes ont conservé leur emploi ou en ont trouvé un ailleurs.
  • Entreprise en démarrage, un autre programme financé par le Fonds ontarien d’aide aux jeunes entrepreneurs, aide des jeunes à créer des entreprises dans leur communauté.
  • Grâce à un investissement de 78 millions de dollars, les programmes de la stratégie Emploi d’été Ontario aideront plus de 100 000 élèves et étudiants à trouver un emploi et à lancer leur propre entreprise.


«Le gouvernement devrait être une force positive dans la vie des gens, et un des investissements les plus importants que nous puissions faire est de faire en sorte que la jeunesse ontarienne ait l’occasion d’acquérir les précieuses compétences nécessaires pour réussir. Je me réjouis que plus de 20 000 jeunes de tout l’Ontario aient déjà bénéficié de la Stratégie d’emploi pour les jeunes et se préparent à des carrières réussies.»

Reza Moridi
ministre de la Formation et des Collèges et Universités et ministre de la Recherche et de l’Innovation

«Notre Stratégie d’emploi pour les jeunes permet aux jeunes de toutes capacités et de toutes origines de mettre leurs talents et leur énergie à profit pour construire l’économie de l’Ontario. Nous sommes fiers de travailler avec nos partenaires de la communauté, de l’industrie et de l’enseignement de toute la province pour créer des emplois pour les jeunes aujourd’hui et demain.»

Brad Duguid
ministre du Développement économique, de l’Emploi et de l’Infrastructure

Pour en savoir davantage

Renseignements au public

  • 416 325-2929 ou 1 800 387-5514
  • ATS 1 800 268-7095

Zak Paget
Bureau du ministre, MFCU
416 326-1625

Terry Chemij
Bureau du ministre, MRI
416 326-9492

Brigitte Marleau
Direction des communications, MRI, MDEEI
416 325-247

Gabe de Roche
Bureau du ministre, MDEEI
416 325-7569


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