Green Neighbours 21 of Ward 21 area of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, is a grassroots, action-oriented group of people working together to discuss and respond to climate change and other environmental problems.
As an environmental group, Ward 21 residents of Green Neighbours 21 have been actively installing solar energy projects on their own roofs for years.
Green Neighbours 21’s next meeting is:
Monday, Feb. 7, 2011 at St Michael and All Angels Church, (southeast corner of St. Clair Ave. W. and Wychwood Ave. Enter off Wychwood Ave., through wooden gate, top floor).
Here is Green Neighbours 21’s itinerary of upcoming, free events:
Monday, January 24, 5:30-9:00 pm
A documentary which “illuminates the worldwide movement for economic localization including the small scale and urban farming movement.”
5:30 Reception and Art Exhibit
7:00 Film
8:30 Panel Discussion
Location: William Doo Auditorium, University of Toronto
(45 Willcocks St., in the basement of the New College Residence)
Wednesday, January 26, 7:00-9:00 pm
Location: Trinity St. Paul’s United Church, 427 Bloor St. W.
- * Glen Murray — Liberal MPP, Minister of Research and Innovation, former chair of the national roundtable, and former mayor of Winnipeg.
- * Lynn McDonald — Professor Emerita, former MP, sociologist and author
- * Peter H. Russell — Constitutional Expert, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto, and author
*Dr. David Neelands,Dean of Divinity at Trinity College, University of Toronto
- Greenspiration,
- Canadian Nurses for Health and the Environment,
- For Our Grandchildren
- JustEarth
Saturday, January 29, 3:00-5:00 pm
CURRICULUM FOR TRANSITION: A consultation for permaculture curriculum development
Location: City Hall (100 Queen St. West). Committee Room #1, see sign-posts on the day.
Hosted by Transition Toronto and The Permaculture Project GTA
Permaculture plays a key role in the global Transition movement. Help develop a curriculum for workshops to foster urban agricultural skills.
See more details and RSVP on Transition Toronto:
or on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=174666849240632&ref=ts
Contact Info of Green Neighbours 21: greenneighbours@yahoo.ca
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