Please Urge Canada to Clean Up Manolis L Oil Spill: Meeting (1pm), Demonstration (3pm) Jan.18, 2015

This video presents Manolis L Oil Leak in Notre Dame Bay Canada.

  • 600,000 liters began to leak into Notre Dame Bay in April 2013.
  • This video highlights the events to date and the potential for a disaster to occur at anytime.
  • For information email or check .

Image extracted from video above.
Image extracted from video above.

Manolis L Demonstration for the
Manolis L Oil Spill Cleanup Effort

Hosted by Carolyn R Parsons Chaffey

Sunday, January 18 at 3:00pm in UTC-03:30

Twillingate, NL in Twillingate, Newfoundland and Labrador AOG

Route: Departing Twillingate North Side Rest Stop (Just North of Twillingate Adventure Tours or at St Peter’s Church Parking Lot) at 3pm and proceeding slowly towards St. Peter’s Anglican Cemetery. Endpoint : Outside the Twillingate Museum.

Manolis L Citizens Response Committee Meeting to be held on Sunday January 18th at 1pm at the Earth, Sea & Sky Gallery, 122 Main St, Twillingate (Big yellow heritage building between Ted Stuckless Fine Arts and Isles Flower Shop).

The public is invited to the demonstration in Twillingate to mark the 30th anniversary of the sinking of the Manolis L that has been leaking oil into Notre Dame Bay for nearly two years.

We will gather and walk together and show our displeasure at the temporary and inadequate solutions to this very serious situation.

We want the government of Canada to remove the oil before in a controlled manner before it all leaks out into Notre Dame Bay!

Simultaneously a walk will be happening in Ottawa where friends will be walking in solidarity.

It is our hope that others will walk in other places.

Please join us in Twillingate and show your support. The event will be live-tweeted. Follow @carolynrparsons on twitter hashtag #nloilspill.

Please dress warmly for walking and wear black if possible to create a sombre tone.

Ottawa friends of Change Islands who share our love for the beauty of our pristine bay are gathering and walking in support of our efforts to have the oil removed from Manolis L. They will be meeting on the canal at the 5th Ave entrance at the Ritz Canal Restaurant at 2 pm on Sunday where they will participate in a walk in solidarity with the Twillingate Rally! Some will skate and some will walk. There will be a banner and a hand out for other skaters on the canal! Dress warm and bring friends. This event will last about one hour. Please take lots of photos! Thank you friends in the capital for your support!

We need you to INVITE your friends to the Demonstration especially those within driving distance of the event! Go into the demonstration event page, on the upper right it says “invite” click and choose friends. You can invite anyone you wish that way! Please help get the word out!!! 

Carolyn R Parsons Chaffey

Image extracted from the video above.
Image extracted from the video above.

CBC News and Yahoo News reported that Bill Bryden noticed what he thinks is an oil slick on the coastline near Cape Freels beach…several ducks, as well as the seal, covered in oil.

“…government needs to explore its options about how to extract the oil from the oil carrier, which sank in Notre Dame Bay in in 1985 and still contains roughly 500 tonnes of fuel.

“Hopefully some politician will realize that there’s $405-million sitting in an oil cleanup fund that’s not being used, or supposed to be sitting there, and spend a little bit of it and if it costs $20 or $30 or $40-million to get that oil out of that ship before it wipes out this coastline — then that’s what they need to be doing,” he said.”


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